July 10, 2011

I'm curious!

As the summer moves ahead, I'm talking to many families who are planning on sending their homeschooled children to high school within the next year or two.  And always my first thought is - are you crazy??  Since we already went the school route, and realized that it wasn't actually working out so well, I don't actually see traditional public high school as an option for us (although I can't say never, since who knows what the future holds.)

So, I'm curious - I'm putting up a poll to see what you think about the possibility of high school?  Please take a minute to vote.  Thanks!


Autismland Penny said...

That is kinda crazy but it is common in our area too. Like you we went the public school route and it didn't work so we aren't doing that again.

Kim said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one! Thanks for commenting.

Jen said...

Umm.. that would be a big fat NO. (Not if I can help it) We've been there and done that with the public school route too. :)